Tell us about yourself – age / family / job
I’m a 32yr old mom of 3 with a background in corporate marketing
When did you join the Vertical Vixen studios?
I started pole in May 2015 when my youngest was 5 months. I desperately wanted to get fit and healthy again but gym is so boring. At first I was scared of being in hot pants but after my first class I was hooked.
What were your reasons for joining?
VV has the best instructors, the vibe is so relaxed & welcoming
Are they still the same?
Something changed once I started pole. My focus shifted from my physical appearance to my physical performance. I realized a strength and control in my body I had never experienced and I wanted to explore that. Weight loss & toning came as a natural result of training but it’s not the goal.
Because of the classes / new exercise regime – did you start to make changes to other areas of your life? if so what?
Yes! Because I needed my body to perform at its peak I started eating better which was much easier because the changes came as a result of love for my body and not from disapproval.
What other benefits / experiences / friendships have you gained from your classes at Vertical Vixen?
I don’t know what it is about pole, more than any other class exercise, that makes you form incredible bonds with the women you train with. You would expect a room full of women in hot pants to be awkward or competitive but I’m constantly surprised by the support & encouragement generously dished out. We want to see each other win.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking of trying pole? (Why would you tell someone to join a pole class?)
Yes you will get bruises, yes you will be stiff, yes it’s intimidating and no the shorts are not negotiable BUT if you can get over your fears you’re in for one heck of a fun ride!